My 3 ingredients to finding your recovery groove
I have been there.... where you are…. slogging thru the days. It has taken me a long time to understand that without finding your recovery groove, your sweet spot, your true passion, you can get lost in a never-ending mountain of to-dos.
Why marriage and stroke have more in common that you think
Sometimes I think my marriage had a stroke
Finding your stroke-recovery mojo
3 Steps to finding your stroke-recovery mojo:
#1 Take a Break
#2 Reconnect with Your Goals
#3 Set Yourself up for a Win
It sounds simple, right? To put it into action, to get back your stroke-recovery mojo or to just get you re-focused on your path read along.
Three little tricks to make it thru those terrible days
If I can give just a little advice for days when the world seems like your number one enemy, conspiring with your stroke, it’s this.
Go back to bed! But not before you have read this.
Your resilience, your stick-to-it-ness and your willingness all play a monumental part in your stroke recovery!
Read my three tips for you to survive a no good, rotten sort-of-a-day!
3 crazy private-life confessions for you
I have to level with you. I have been holding back some secrets.
Although it’s satisfying, in one way, to lead you down the path that I’m doing my best and fighting the good fight, its not in the true spirit of honesty.
The fact is that I have many good days, but they come with a twist. They are laced with the drug of my bad behaviour and then my dimmer switch comes on, full blast.
How a woman without her voice accomplishes things
Now the hard part began…
I wanted to have my rehabilitation my way. No cookie cutter approach, please!
Being a brazen social lunatic in a sea full of umbrellas
Come, let me entertain you with a good story that starts with a rather seemingly typical, “normal” female and ends with me cursing at my husband in a sea full of umbrellas, blaming my stroke for “its bad behaviour”.