The Power Of Shared Experiences
During those intense weeks of preparation, as we delved into a sea of questions from my mailing list, friends, family, and even those generated by AI, I couldn't help but feel the passion growing within me.
It led me to some introspection—why this unwavering dedication to making this project meaningful and impactful?
There Are No Absolutes
Last month marked my fourth stroke anniversary. I was extremely flattered, elated and, yet, really calm to reach that point. I had a quiet celebration of life with my tribe.
Through a hell of a lot of work, I’ve gotten here– because I didn’t let anyone tell me that I couldn’t. It leaves me wondering about our decisions… because we each have a choice to make…
The life-changing effects of surviving
The simple definition of recovery is a return to a normal state of health, mind, or strength. I suffered a multitude of set-backs from my stroke. From non-fluent aphasia, agraphia, emotional regulation disorder, impaired cognitive functions, sensory integration disorder to right-sided hemiparesis. I have spent the better part of the last year and a half working on my recovery.
But I’m not there yet.
My 3 ingredients to finding your recovery groove
I have been there.... where you are…. slogging thru the days. It has taken me a long time to understand that without finding your recovery groove, your sweet spot, your true passion, you can get lost in a never-ending mountain of to-dos.
Why marriage and stroke have more in common that you think
Sometimes I think my marriage had a stroke
She’s broken or she’s better
I have become a master of the black or white. There are no in-betweens for me. You either see a well-put-together master of disguise or a shockingly, unraveled woman coming apart at her seams. I am definitely broken.
You are a bi*ch and a bully
After suffering a life-changing event, here are 7 steps I found to help mend the broken fences of my soul.
3 things I have to re-relearn
Scared because this world has shown me that it is a big, dark creepy place, one where bad things happen to unsuspecting people. I am not saying that this is a rational thought, but it is my fear, one which I try to manage every day.
With all of the mental tennis going on in my head, it strikes me that I have another few lessons to re-relearn.
3 tips to get the most out of your stroke recovery
I wish someone had clued me in on these: 3 self-advocating TIPS on how to MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR STROKE RECOVERY. (Especially the first one.)
Believe it: A tale of stroke recovery-ness
When I hit my first stroke anniversary in February, I had feelings of elation.
I had made it so far!
Then the weeks passed by and I could feel my steam lessening with each day, trudging up the slippery slope of my recovery. I found it was work that was beneath me, in some ironical way.
He said. She said.
My wedding picture caught my eye today. It left me wondering, had we known the future, we would have still gotten married….