She’s broken or she’s better
I have become a master of the black or white. There are no in-betweens for me. You either see a well-put-together master of disguise or a shockingly, unraveled woman coming apart at her seams. I am definitely broken.
3 tips to get the most out of your stroke recovery
I wish someone had clued me in on these: 3 self-advocating TIPS on how to MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR STROKE RECOVERY. (Especially the first one.)
Believe it: A tale of stroke recovery-ness
When I hit my first stroke anniversary in February, I had feelings of elation.
I had made it so far!
Then the weeks passed by and I could feel my steam lessening with each day, trudging up the slippery slope of my recovery. I found it was work that was beneath me, in some ironical way.
Three hacks for actively owning your recovery
If you’ve ever been thru a major life changing event, such as a stroke, how do heal? Can your body do the work on its own or does it need a little help? How do you transform yourself? And, is it even possible without a mindshift?