3 things I have to re-relearn
Scared because this world has shown me that it is a big, dark creepy place, one where bad things happen to unsuspecting people. I am not saying that this is a rational thought, but it is my fear, one which I try to manage every day.
With all of the mental tennis going on in my head, it strikes me that I have another few lessons to re-relearn.
3 tips to get the most out of your stroke recovery
I wish someone had clued me in on these: 3 self-advocating TIPS on how to MAKE THE MOST OF YOUR STROKE RECOVERY. (Especially the first one.)
52 weeks, a tale of stroke-survivor-ness
As I sit here, I’m celebrating 52 weeks of pain. One solid year of learning everything from how to walk and how to talk. However, this milestone, encapsulates my life’s starting point. It is like everything has been brought, suddenly, to life and I'm celebrating my one year birthday.