So, what do YOU think?
We are always getting feedback, right? Whether we want it or not, our boss, team, colleagues, coaches, children, everyone! is always letting us know what they think. This year, as we rang in 2019, I thought it would be really cool to ask what Y O U think…..
Merry Christmas From Tokyo With Love
It has been one of those kinds of years. Nothing has been the same. From our sleepy little Swiss village, to living in a city of thirteen million people... from holidays spent laced with traditions and family, to one spent on the beach... so many changes…. but the holiday have always been very grounding for me, a time to evaluate.
What is the best magic formula for your family holiday?
Since we have been together, Johan and I have lived in four different cities, in four different countries and on three different continents. We have almost always lived “away” from our families. Life is exciting, but holidays become a big balancing act. Somewhere along the line, we stopped making everyone else happy and focused on us.
This is the most perfect part of your turkey sandwich
Yesterday at our Thanksgiving lunch, we went round the table and shared one thing that we were grateful for. It was amazing how many times we clapped, cheered, clinked glasses…because, the reality is, we have a damned good life…
What I Love The Most About Thanksgiving Day
Since those long-ago days, eating turkey and drinking red wine on Long Island with my girlfriends, I have lived in four different countries and three continents. For me, the Thanksgiving Day celebration has deepened and broadened over the years… friends, family and dreams all pile in to one big fat day full of good vibes and good food.
This Is What Happens When I Get Mommy Guilt-Trip-y
How a guilt trip from my youngest turned into a fun Tokyo day trip…and then I had some realisations about being a mother!
Crazy campfire confessions that will make you laugh
I am not sure exactly what motivated me to add camping to my bucket list…but I can tell you now, now that I have done it. The best reasons to go camping – to be cold and damp, to not sit down once in 72 hours and to come home with pains in places that I never needed to know existed – simply boils down to 3 crazy truths.
A perfect day chilling in Kichijoji, a totally relaxed hood in Tokyo, with a bit of shopping, a long lunch and a stroll in the park
What is it about a day spent wandering, exploring a new place? What is it that it does to your senses? One afternoon, spent chilling in the down-to-earth and vibrant Tokyo hood of Kichijoji actually gave us the feeling that we had taken a mini holiday….and only 20 minutes from Shibuya station.
Eating salad with a spoon – and why our third culture children never bat an eye
When you ask Lulu, Friso or what they love the most about their new home, and if you listen carefully, you will hear something unexpected in their words. They speak unmistakably about culture and the transformations they are experiencing. Living aboard has made them quite reflective about their own culture and who they really are.
Karuizawa - respite to your busy city life and a nature-lovers delight
Over the summer holiday, I looked back at the past fifteen months, living in Japan. I took stock of where I was, what I had done, saw, experienced. And then I made a plan and a promise of what I wanted to do with the next years. I realised that the most important thing for me, personally, was to see as much of Asia as I can. Let the exploration begin!
How we learned to live as a guest in our old neck of the woods
We have had that little apartment in Klosters for almost eleven years now. We’ve spent each and every winter weekend there, Christmases, New Years Eves, Winter Breaks and every other free day in between….but when you have the chance to see your old home thru the eyes of a tourist, something unexpected happens.
What happened when this woman realized that she was still the loudest mother in tokyo
Before Japan, I wasn’t actually that sure I was a passionate mother. I didn’t spend the time on it that other moms did. I assumed they were better. I thought I was missing something….and then I was invited to create a vision board….and the fairies came…..
3 tips for your first time in Kyoto, a city of wonders and beauty
I am not sure why, but I was absolutely convinced that Kyoto was a manageable-on-foot kind of a place. As I planned our journey, I learned that I was grossly mistaken. Kyoto is Japan’s ninth largest city by population, with nearly 1.5 million inhabitants. Here are 3 quick tips for making the most of your visit.
A journey of familiarity - my love affair with Amsterdam
My love affair with Amsterdam began in 2002. I had just moved from New York to London, when Johan and I travelled to Holland for a weekend break and the wedding of a friend. We stayed, and still stay, in the centre, on the Prinsengracht. From this landing pad, we are free to walk, cycle and boat around the town…here are my favourites in the neighbourhood.