So, what do YOU think?
We are always getting feedback, right? Whether we want it or not, our boss, team, colleagues, coaches, children, everyone! is always letting us know what they think. This year, as we rang in 2019, I thought it would be really cool to ask what Y O U think…..
This is the most perfect part of your turkey sandwich
Yesterday at our Thanksgiving lunch, we went round the table and shared one thing that we were grateful for. It was amazing how many times we clapped, cheered, clinked glasses…because, the reality is, we have a damned good life…
What I Love The Most About Thanksgiving Day
Since those long-ago days, eating turkey and drinking red wine on Long Island with my girlfriends, I have lived in four different countries and three continents. For me, the Thanksgiving Day celebration has deepened and broadened over the years… friends, family and dreams all pile in to one big fat day full of good vibes and good food.