5 reasons why Tokyo rocks in the winter
I will admit it….I am a summer-lovin’ city girl….but there is something about Tokyo in the winter that makes me smile. It is like no other city, I tell you!
Merry Christmas From Tokyo With Love
It has been one of those kinds of years. Nothing has been the same. From our sleepy little Swiss village, to living in a city of thirteen million people... from holidays spent laced with traditions and family, to one spent on the beach... so many changes…. but the holiday have always been very grounding for me, a time to evaluate.
What is the best magic formula for your family holiday?
Since we have been together, Johan and I have lived in four different cities, in four different countries and on three different continents. We have almost always lived “away” from our families. Life is exciting, but holidays become a big balancing act. Somewhere along the line, we stopped making everyone else happy and focused on us.
This is the most perfect part of your turkey sandwich
Yesterday at our Thanksgiving lunch, we went round the table and shared one thing that we were grateful for. It was amazing how many times we clapped, cheered, clinked glasses…because, the reality is, we have a damned good life…