Getting Ready For - Summertime


It's the last full week of school and my children are typically over the moon excited about their 10 week holiday.

But here's what’s running through my head.

We have the okay from my doctors to fly back to Switzerland for the summer.  The tickets are booked. Heck, with a little bit of luck, we might even be able to jump up to business class!

But following our arrival in Switzerland, here the games really begin.

I haven't talked so much about what it's like to have a stroke in a land where you can't speak the language, but let it suffice to say that it is knock-your-socks-off kind of scary.

So, the first week back home will be full of doctors’ appointments and more doctors’ appointments to ensure that it’s all good and we have the right end of the stick.

Stay tuned… and a little luck wouldn’t hurt a bit.


5 steps to realising your passion


Here’s What I’m Reading Next: Norman Doidge “The Brain that Changes Itself”