5 steps to realising your passion
Part of living a fulfilling life, especially after a stroke or another life-changing event, is reaching deep inside yourself and finding your higher meaning… your passion, your purpose, that one thing that motivates you.
After my stroke, I was scared. I had this feeling that I needed to claw on to something, something that mattered to me.
I started from the beginning. I couldn't walk, I couldn't talk and everything had to be relearned.
So, trust me when I say that this, for me, was the only way forward.
I needed a higher meaning to latch onto and grip tightly. On my own, it was too big for me.
That’s when I started to put my head down and to get serious. I knew that it was sink or swim time… and if you know me at all....
Then, and only then, I could just barely envision my future self. That is what carries me forward, each and every day. This has kept me alive. To this day, I’m revising what my future could and should look like.
I have taken the power back.
It’s a slow process, one that needs its time. And space. But, in the end, if you step carefully and considerately, you can certainly find your meaning and your emotional centre.
#1 Find your meaning
Think about your passions.
#2 Recognise your deficiencies
Recognise what stands in your way.
#3 Make a plan
Include little bread crumbs of objectives to measure how you’re getting on from day to day.
#4 Do the work
Devise a way to get yourself back on track, even through tough periods.
#5 Be kind to yourself
Craft a way to celebrate small victories.