I’m a stubborn, never-give-up stroke SURVIVOR, undercover overachiever, MOTHER to 3 monkeys, and an aspiring champion taco eaterreally!

I am also a relentless pit bull, unapologetic passion chaser, shameless self-care addict, (un)professional chef, budding snap-happy picture-taker, laugh-til-I-snort nut and forever on the hunt for the perfect beach.

I am all of these things and, like you, I'm a delightful concoction of quirks, dreams, and aspirations. Let’s celebrate this!

I want to help you find your passions and weave together all that makes you sparkle… and pursue your 2.0!

Are you ready to reach for Your 2.0?


What's Your Stroke Recovery SuperPower?

Consider this, what is the thing you do soooo naturally that you almost do it in your sleep? That one thing that you can claw onto in the hard days of fighting for you recovery?


Discover how to break free

From the role of just a caregiver and take control of your life...

in less than 2 hours.


Forget what the doctors say.

Forget your prognosis.

Ignore all the influences surrounding you at this time.

Curious about crafting YOUR vision of life after stroke, that’s shamelessly true to your desires and wants and goals?

Start here

  • “I found myself very invested in your story and didn’t want to stop reading. It was so empowering and encouraging.”

    Chelsea, USA

  • Sometimes heart-wrenching, but absolutely fearlessly honest.

    Seth, USA

  • Stacie’s book is a masterpiece of humanity, clarity, motivation and love for her family...

    Maureen, USA

  • The emotional challenges you faced - along with your own reactions and feelings at the time, later analysis of these feelings, and not infrequent self-recrimination - are part and parcel of the narrative, and lead to some interesting questions about rebuilding yourself in the conclusion… your story is a powerful one and it is compellingly told.

    Danny, USA

  • Your story is very clear and helps us to understand more of your battle...

    Loes, The Netherlands

  • I can’t put it down. It is amazing how she is able to articulate all that she felt during such a confusing and traumatic time. It gives me insight as to what my dad has been through and it will make me a better caregiver to him…

    Nan, USA

  • Reading Stacie's genuine account of her first year post stroke is emotional and inspirational. I swept away tears at times; burst out laughing more than once; felt tremendous pride and admiration of my friend's determination; and punched the sky to celebrate her victories.

    Noelle, Switzerland

  • As a mom and a mental health professional, I truly believe that one must advocate for oneself. Well, I don't know how Ms. Broek did it on a completely different continent, different culture, all while remaining a mom and a wife. I found this book to be inspiring, raw at times, but incredibly hopeful.

    Kara, USA

  • This book however was able to touch me in a personal level as the struggles that Stacie had could, to a certain extent, apply to a number of other acute and chronic conditions. I found myself really inspired but also challenged my way of thinking and empathy levels for those undergoing rehabilitation from life altering conditions. It’s very well written and definitely a good investment of your time.

    G.P., The United Kingdom

  • I devoured this book in a few days! It is an incredible story including raw emotion, honesty, and the challenges a woman faces after her stroke. I cried, laughed, and will forever be grateful for Stacie's written story...

    Gabrielle, Germany

  • This book not only serves as an inspiration and example for stroke survivors, but for everyone fighting their own battles. Including their surrounding families and friends. With her book, Stacie fills the void of the recovery process for stroke survivors. And she fills it with gold! Just read it!

    Gordana, Sweden

  • Great book from a truely strong and inspirational first time author #StacieBroek. I hope this is an inspirational to other stroke survivors but also for families and friends. Truely recommended read.

    Marieke, The Netherlands

  • Stacie’s story is heartbreaking and inspirational at the same time.

    Amy, USA




5 Steps to Realise Your Passion

Reach deep inside yourself and finding your higher meaning

5 Questions To Ask A Therapist

 5 questions to ask a potential therapist.... before you work with them!

Become The Self You Love

Here you can find the free motivational mantras and 3 steps I practice every single day to overcome.

Take Care Of Yourself

With this menu, you can take charge of creating a course of action from this chaos.

My Misson

My mission is to foster positive change within the system, which empowers stroke survivors with independence, autonomy, and opportunity.

So that every stroke survivor will live the life that they want to live

How do you want to live today?

“You continue to be an inspiration.”

— Carla, Switzerland

Sneak peak at my first 10 pages!

no Cowards allowed

(al)ONE is my story of surviving the single most unrelenting twelve months I have ever known, of the darkness and anguish that it provoked…

… yet my impetus for change

I invite you on a journey to find your 2.0!

I can remember those months, after surviving my stroke, as some of hardest, darkest days I have ever experienced in my life.

The latest on the blog:

Hey gorgeous!

Rockin’ the gram. Join Me!