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My life was more "spoiled expat wife" than sex, drugs & rock-n-roll.
I was living the expat dream.
Three children in a central Tokyo private school, house, and travel back home all paid for.
Until the morning when my carotid artery spontaneously ripped, causing blood to pool in my artery wall.
As I sank into the stroke, coming closer and closer to death, I didn’t find it scary.
In fact, it felt tender and warm, like an embrace.
I would like to say that, when it happened, what ran through my mind were my kids or my husband, but actually what goes through your mind when you're knee-deep in experiencing a stroke is nothingness.
I was forty-six-year-old woman... and, yet, I was about to have a stroke
A Stroke Survivor’s Memoir
My story of surviving the single most unrelenting twelve months I have ever known, of the darkness and anguish that it provoked… yet my impetus for change.