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A Stroke Survivor’s "No Cowards Allowed” Memoir
I will be the first to admit that my life was a little bit more “spoiled expat wife” than sex, drugs & rock-n-roll.
That Wednesday morning, where one phase of my life ended and another, more complicated, tricky one, ended up taking its place, started out like any other day. Except it wasn’t.
I awoke with numbness in my lower right leg. The feeling of listlessness, inertia, was overtaking my being.
Here I was, a forty-six year old woman, in good health and, yet, I was about to have a stroke.
I would like to say that, in this moment, running through my mind were my kids or my husband but actually what goes through your mind when you're knee-deep in having a stroke is nothingness.
It is a state of bliss that takes your mind off of the here and now and redirects your thoughts to fairyland.
One minute I was staring at my phone, trying like mad to remember how the bloody thing worked…