You’re A Mega Mind Boss


You seek to understand things on a deeper level and with a clarity that escapes most of your friends and family.


You do something so few can. You are a master spirit, breaking down your recovery into small, bite size chunks and taking a nibble on them every day.

Your super power emanates from your deep-seeded desire to organise, to make a plan, like a bricklayer making a wall.

You are logical in your approach, never missing a brick, always forging ahead one stone at a time. 

You can always fall back on the fact that everything has its natural order in your mind. Your sound logic makes sense. 

But, some days it feels like an impossible goal for you. I know. I’ve been there.

I have a friend who also suffered from a brain injury and he said to me ‘having brain damage makes you act like a golden retriever in a yard full of squirrels’. He’s not wrong. Right? 

When you are suffering the results of a stroke, no matter how hard you try, some days it is all fuzzy and complicated. 

Suddenly, our brain sees concreteness. Either it’s black or white. No in between. No grey.

Does it sound like you? No? Maybe we’ve got it wrong. These quizzes aren’t magic, although we are trying!

Take a look HERE at the other super powers!

Hey, Mind Boss, I know that you suffer from the fact that you know, deep down in your heart (or mind) that there has to be a logical explanation. That you SHOULD be able to figure this out. 

We all struggle to keep us and our recoveries afloat but you are all too aware that some days it is harder than others.


Together, let’s take a crack at creating harmony for those hard days. To find out more….

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Hi there

I'm Stacie

I am a stroke-surviving-author, a pit bull on the way to recovery, a set-the-bar-higher-and-higher achiever, a mother to three 3rd culture kids, a beach lover and laugh ‘til I snort kind of a girl. I was blissfully unaware…my life was good. I was happy. And then a stroke out of nowhere! I'm giving my recovery my absolute all! And I’m sharing my tips with brave women like you!

Scroll down to find my best resources for:

Your Mega Mind


 So, do you want to know more?

I found that putting little systems in place helps me to enjoy the simple progress I make every day and to see that I don’t stink at everything.

For instance, implementing a schedule means that I know what to expect from one moment to another. It leaves no room for surprise. And then, back to laying your bricks.

Vigor and mental energy are the goals of every Mega Mind Boss.

Your job is to come up for air from time to time and to consider this… 

Are the strategies you are putting into place helping you to attain your goals? Do you see the path to your 2.0?

Give yourself the gift of reflection and act on it.

Yes! You! Can!

must reads

for the

Mind Boss



hold the phone!

There's More.

Be on the lookout for more approaches, paths, and methods to help you recover.

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