EPB102 first glimpse

After one suffers a stroke, there is a rebuilding process….

It was my goal to begin writing immediately. Word by word, line by line, the whole process seems to drag on and on and on.

You wouldn’t know it by the blogs I create, the time and the effort it takes for me and from me.

That very first blog I wrote, that twelve-hundred word post, way back on 26 May, took me upwards of 20 hours to write. 

That’s 60 words per hour. 

Or, a single word per minute

Now, 10 months in, I can write that same blog in less than half of the time!

You might want to know what I’m working towards? Well, let’s just say that Stacie 1.0 could knock out a blog in about 3 - 4 hours… and that was with the 1’000 other things that were vying for my attention!

So, let’s just say that I am getting there, slowly but surely.

Here’s a picture of my starting point for my next blog, to remind you - and me - that the beginning is not always pretty.

But, if you have stick-to-it-ness, you will get there. I promise.


And, a promise is a promise!


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